1. PURPOSE • The goal of the bursary program is to increase the number of students enrolled in a licensed HCA program as well as the number of HCAs working in continuing care throughout Alberta.
2. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA • The bursary is available to students enrolled in an Alberta licensed HCA program that begins on or after July 1, 2022.
• Students must complete a bursary application form through the NorQuest College HCA Bursary website. Preference will be given to students who are attending school full-time or are currently working for a continuing care (CC) operator in a non-clinical capacity.
• There are three types of bursary programs available for eligible students: o The regular bursary o The dual-credit bursary o HCA workplace program bursary
• Students who are enrolled in the HCA program as part of their high school courses (dual credit programs) are eligible if their high school (or school division) is not paying some or all of the tuition.
• Students enrolled in a workplace program are also eligible.
• Students must sign a return of service agreement with NorQuest College to work for an identified continuing care operator upon graduation and commencing employment. o Eligible students must commence employment as a HCA for an identified CC operator within o two months of successfully completing the HCA program. o Eligible students must work a minimum of 2,000 hours within two years of commencing employment.
3. AMOUNT OF THE BURSARY • The bursary amount is $9,000, disbursed at intervals throughout the HCA program: o $3,000 on successful completion of Courses 1-5; and o $6,000 on successful completion of the program, including passing the provincial final exam.
• Students enrolled in a workplace program will receive $3,200. •
Students enrolled in a dual credit program will receive up to $9,000, minus the amount paid by their school or school division.
KEY MESSAGES • The Government of Alberta recognizes the importance of health-care aides working in continuing care.
• Health-care aides play a critical role so Albertans receive the care they need to maintain their health and have assistance with activities of daily living.
• The Government of Alberta has allocated $12.8 million to help students with their educational costs so they can work as certified health-care aides. There is $6.9 million allocated for the Health Care Aide Tuition Bursary Program.
• Alberta Health appointed NorQuest College as the grant administrator of these funds. NorQuest will review and approve submitted applications based on a student’s eligibility.
• The return of service agreements will be between NorQuest College and the health-care aide applicant. o The college will follow-up with students/graduates regarding meeting the requirements of the return of service agreement. o Any required repayment of bursary funds as a result of not fulfilling the agreement will go back to NorQuest College, to distribute to other eligible students.
• The Ministry of Health set aside most of this funding to support health-care aide students entering a program after July 1, 2022.
• Students must sign a return of service agreement and commit to working for an identified continuing care operator for a minimum of 1,000 within one year, or 2,000 hours in two years depending on the amount of the bursary they receive. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
1. What is the purpose of the bursary program?
• Alberta needs to increase the number of HCAs working in CC (community and facility based care).
• The goal of the bursary program is to increase the number of students enrolled in a licensed HCA program and the number of HCAs working in Alberta.
2. Who is eligible to access the bursary program?
• Students who enroll in an Alberta licensed HCA program beginning on or after July 1, 2022 and agree to work for an identified CC operator.
• This includes Alberta licensed HCA Dual Credit program students and workplace program students.
• Workplace program students are those who are hired without any prior formal HCA education.
3. How can the funding be accessed?
• Funding is provided on a first come, first serve basis as long as the student meets eligibility criteria and submits required documents to complete their bursary application.
• Students must submit a bursary application form, available on the NorQuest College HCA Bursary website and: o Sign a return of service agreement agreeing to work 2,000 hours, within two years of o commencing employment; or o 1,000 hours within one year if completing a workplace program; and o Work as a HCA for an identified CC operator within two months of successfully completing a licensed HCA program in Alberta.
4. How much funding will students receive?
• For students in the workplace program, the bursary amount is $3,200. Tuition for this program is substantially less than the PSI-based HCA programs.
• For students enrolled in PSI-based HCA programs, the bursary amount is $9,000, which will be disbursed throughout the program: o $3,000 after successful completion of courses one through five; and o $6,000 after successful completion of the course, including passing the provincial final exam.
• For dual credit students, the amount received will depend on the amount the school or school division covers. Fully funded dual credit students will not receive a bursary.
5. Are there any other conditions that must be met?
• The HCA program must be successfully completed and a HCA Program Certificate attained, which includes passing the provincial exam.
• Proof of employment as a HCA at an identified CC operator(s) (community or facility) must be shown for: o 2,000 hours within two years of commencing employment if the individual is applying for the HCA Tuition Regular Bursary, or o Classification: Protected A June 16, 2022 Page 6 of 15 o 1,000 hours within one year of commencing employment if the individual is applying for the o HCA Tuition Workplace Bursary. o The number of hours dual credit students must work will depend on the amount of the bursary.
• If the bursary amount is less than or equal to $4,500, 1,000 hours of work within one year is required;
• If the bursary amount is more than $4,500, 2,000 hours of work within two years is required. A return of service agreement must also be signed with NorQuest College. 6. Where are the identified CC operators?
• Identified CC operators are distributed throughout Alberta, including in rural areas. • The list is available on the NorQuest College Bursary website.
7. What happens if the successful student doesn’t work the minimum hours within the required time?
• If HCAs are unable to work the minimum number of hours, they will be required to repay funding to NorQuest College.
• The repayment amount is prorated depending on the number of hours completed. o NorQuest College expects repayment of the prorated bursary amount within 30 days of notification.
8. What happens if employment can’t be found with an identified CC operator?
• If successful applicants are unable to obtain employment with an identified CC operator, they must repay the entire funding to NorQuest College.
9. What happens if you want to change employers? • HCAs can change employers before completing their required hours, as long as the new employer is also an identified CC operator.
• NorQuest College must be notified of any changes in employers.
